We are pleased to invite you to participate in SPL2014 by sponsoring this upcoming event. Please contact spl2014@easychair.org if you need more information and/or plan to sponsor SPL2014.
Information for potential Sponsors/Exhibitors
We cordially invite you to be part of the SPL 2014 activities. This conference is the austral meeting point for research and industries interested on programmable logic. Sponsors and Exhibitors of previous SPL conferences have been:
Actel Corp. (now Microsemi)
Altera Corp.
Banco Santander Central Hispano
CAECE University
Celoxica Ltd.
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET, Argentine
Euroform Project
Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Mar del Plata City Council
Nacional Agency of Research (Agencia) of Argentine
Synplicity Inc.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Nacional del Sur - DIEC
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Universidad de Sao Pablo - Escola de Engenharia de Sao Pablo
Xilinx Inc.
Nossa Caixa
Universidad Nacional del Cordoba
Terasic Technologies
Sponsoring SPL 2014 has the following advantages: 1) A full registration to SPL; 2) Company logo in all SPL documents (website, hand programs, information panels, banners, last-minute information, etc.); 3) Room in SPL conference bag: the sponsors have the opportunity of adding a moderate quantity of marketing material in the conference bag like pen, literature, CD ROMs, databook, T-shirts, sticks, etc.
Company Best Paper Award: sponsors are invited to donate a board, software or other material to set up a paper award. The winner will be voted by the Program Committee, taking into account the matching between the paper technological framework (if exists) and the Sponsor's Award. Prize and diploma will be given during the Gala Dinner.
Additionally, SPL sponsors can propose speakers for plenary panels where future trends, hot-topic technologies and business aspects of FPGAs are discussed. Unfortunately, only a very short number of speakers from the industry can be included in the Technical Program, so the final acceptance of industry speakers will be decided by the Program Chair.
Being SPL 2014 Sponsor
Potential sponsors can ask about price and payment methods to spl2014@easychair.org.