Welcome to SPL 2014!
November 5th to 7th, 2014
Buenos Aires - Argentina
SPL 2014 News!
Xilinx Board for best Xilinx paper award prize
Winner: Arbitrary waveform generator using FPGA for applications in ultrafast scan voltammetry Carlos Maffrand, Didimo Zarate, Maria A. Zón, Hector Fernandez and Mario R. Romero
Altera Board for best Altera paper award prize
“FPGA Implementation of a FEC Decoding Subsystem for a DVB-S2 Receiver”; Denise C. Alves, Cesar G. Chaves, Eduardo R. de Lima, Gabriel S. da Silva e Augusto F. R. Queiroz

Synopsys Grants
Special Mention:
An advanced NoC with Debug Services on FPGA Elías Todorovich, Matias Leonetti and Ray Brinks.
Validation of an On-Chip Watchdog for Embedded Systems Exposed to Radiation and Conducted EMI Fabian Vargas, Christofer Oliveira, Juliano Benfica, Leticia Bolzani Poehls, Jose Lipovetzky, Ariel Lutenberg, Edmundo Gatti and Fernando Hernandez.
SPL2014 is an international conference for researchers and developers interested in reconfigurable logic technology and its applications. The SPL2014 will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The IX edition continues the tradition of previous ones to become the austral meeting point for the worldwide community in the area.