Welcome to SPL 2009!

SPL is the austral meeting point for researchers and developers interested on reconfigurable logic technology and its applications. The 5th SPL continues the tradition of the previous editions and will be hosted by the São Carlos Engineering School, at the University of São Paulo.

The conference takes place in São Carlos, State of São Paulo, Brazil, from April 1 to 3, 2009. São Carlos, with a population of 200,000 inhabitants, is located 230 Km far from its capital São Paulo.

São Carlos is known as the capital of technology and it has 2 public universities, considered of excellence and a large number of medium and large size industries producing high technology products, many of them originated at the universities.

São Carlos has a beautiful countryside, with many historical farms, falls, an ecological park with many native fauna and flora species and a fine aviation museum. Eco sport activities such as tracking, tree climbing and rafting are possible near to São Carlos.

SPL 2009 News

The authors of the best papers from the SPL 09 conference will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing. (ISSN: 1687-7195)

Pré conference tutorials

The following tutorials will be ofered on March 31, the day previous to the conference:

The tutorials will be on the JORGE CARON auditorium at the São Carlos Engineering School


09:00 - 12:00 Javier Valls Coquillat - Universidad Politecnica de Valência, Spain

14:00-17:00 Eduardo Boemo Scalvinoni - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

The two best papers presente at SPL will receive Kits donated by Terasic